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Who's Using EMME/2?

a) North America

Alameda County C.M.A., Hayward, CA (i386)
Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, Oakland, CA(mVAX)
Barton-Aschman Associates, Dallas, TX (i386)
Barton-Aschman Associates, Evanston, IL (DSI-780, i386)
Barton-Aschman Associates, Minneapolis, MN (DSI-780, i386)
Barton-Aschman Associates, Pasadena, CA (DSI-780, i386)
Barton-Aschman Associates, San Jose, CA (DSI-780, i386)
Barton-Aschman Associates, Santa Fe, NM (i386)
Barton-Aschman Associates, Washington, DC (DSI-780, i386)
Bernalillo County Public Works Dept, Albuquerque, NM(SPARC)
Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec (SPARC)
Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc, Los Angeles, CA (i386)
CIAD, Hermosillo, Mexico (i386)
Chicago Area Transportation Study, Chicago, IL (i386)
City of Ashland, Ashland, OR (i386)
City of Bellevue, Bellevue, WA (SPARC)
City of Brampton, Brampton, ONT (VAX)
City of Burbank, Burbank, CA (i386)
City of Calgary, Calgary, ALB (i386)
City of Carlsbad, Transportation Network, Carlsbad, CA (DSI-32)
City of Concord, Concord, CA (i386)
City of Edmonton, Edmonton, ALB (i386)
City of Federal Way, Federal Way, WA (i386)
City of Glendale Public Works Division, Glendale, CA (i386)
City of Portland, Portland, OR (VAX)
City of Regina, Municipal Engineering, Regina, SASK (i386)
City of Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, CA (i386)
City of West Hollywood, Hollywood, CA (i386)
City of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MAN (i386)
Clark County Public Serv/Transp, Vancouver, WA (i386)
Communauté rég. de l'Outaouais CTCRO, Hull, QUE (i386)
Contra Costa County Transp. Auth., Concord, CA (i386)
Contra Costa County Transp. Auth., Martinez, CA (i386)
Coordinacion General de Transporte-D.D.F., Mexico, (i386)
Corp. métropolitaine de transp., Sherbrooke, QUE (i386)
Crain & Associates, Los Angeles, CA (DSI-780)
DBR & Associates, Plano, TX (i386)
DKS Associates, Los Angeles, CA (i386)
DKS Associates, Oakland, CA (i386)
David Kline & Associates, Seattle, WA (SPARC)
Delcan Corporation, Ottawa, ONT (i386)
Department of Public Works, Long Beach, CA (i386)
Dept of Civil Eng., U. of Toronto, Toronto, ONT (i286)
Deschutes County Public Works Dept, Bend, OR (mVAX)
Dowling Associates, Oakland, CA (i386)
ENTRANCO, Bellevue, WA (i386)
Golden Gate Bridge, Hwy and Transp Distr, San Rafael, CA (DSI-780)
Greater Vancouver Regional District, Burnaby, B.C. (mVAX,i386)
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (i286, i386)
Houston Galveston Area Council, Houston, TX (i386)
IMC Consulting Group Inc., Cambridge, ONT (i386)
Iowa State University, Ames, IA (i386)
KJS Associates, Inc, Bellevue, WA (i386)
KPMG Peat Marwick, Vienna, VA (i386)
Kaku Associates, Santa Monica, CA (i386)
Kern Council of Governments, Bakersfield, CA (i386)
King County Transportation Planning, Seattle, WA (i386)
Kitsap County Public Works, Port Orchard, WA (i386)
Korve Engineering, Inc, Pasadena, CA (i386)
Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Pasadena, CA (i386)
Los Angeles Dept of Transportation, Los Angeles, CA (i386)
M.I.T. Computer Resource Lab, Cambridge, MA (i386)
M.I.T., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Cambridge, MA (i386)
M.M. Dillon LTD., Toronto, ONT (i386)
Marin County Dept of Public Works, San Rafael, CA (i386)
Marshall Macklin Monaghan, Thornhill, Ontario (i386)
Maryland Natl Captl Parks+Planning Comm, Silver Spring, MD (HP9000)
McGILL University, Montreal, QUE (i386)
Metropolitan Rail, Chicago, IL (IBM 3091)
Metropolitan Service District, Portland, OR (SPARC)
Metropolitan Transit Authority, Houston, TX (i386)
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (i286)
Mid-America Regional Council, Kansas City, MO (i386)
Middle Rio Grande COG, Albuquerque, NM (i386)
Ministère des Transports du Québec,Montréal,QUE(IBM3090/4381)
Minnesota Dept of Transportation, St-Paul, MN (i386)
Municipality of Metro Seattle, Seattle, WA (i386)
Network Interop Corp., Sunnyvale, CA (i386)
New Mexico State Highway and Transp Dept, Santa Fe, NM (VAX)
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM (i386)
Northwestern Indiana Reg. Plan. Comm., Highland, IN (i386)
Northwestern Univ., Transp Center, Evanston, IL (i286)
Office for Long-Range Planning, Seattle, WA (SPARC)
Orange County Transit Authority, Santa Ana, CA (i386)
Ottawa-Carleton Reg. Transit Commission, Ottawa, ONT (VAX)
Pierce County Public Works Dept, Tacoma, WA (i386)
Puget Sound Regional Council, Seattle, WA (i386)
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (i386)
Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth, Hamilton, ONT (VAX)
Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, Ottawa, ONT (i386)
Regional Municipality of Peel, Brampton, ONT (i386)
Regional Transportation Authority, Chicago, IL (i386)
SNC-Lavalin Inc., Willowdale, Ontario (i386)
School of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland, OR (i286)
Service de circulation & transports, Québec, QC (i386)
Skillings & Chamberlain Inc., Lacey, WA (i386)
Snohomish County, Everett, WA (Masscomp)
Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council, Vancouver, WA (i386)
Stanley Associates Engineering Ldt, Edmonton, ALB (i386)
TJKM Transportation Consultants, Pleasanton, CA (i386)
Terry Partridge & Associates Ltd, Vancouver, B.C. (i386)
Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, TX (i386)
The Transpo Group, Inc., Bellevue, WA (i386)
Town of Amherst, Amherst, NH (i286)
Traffic Engineering Div., City of Renton, Renton, WA (i386)
Transports Canada, navigation aérienne, Dorval, QUE (DSI-780)
Transports-Québec/Serv.des syst.d'infor.,Montreal,QUE(SPARC)
U. Autonoma Del Estado De Mexico, Toluca Edo. De Mexico, (i386)
U. of California, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Berkeley, CA (i286)
U. of Illinois, Dept. of Urban & Reg. Plan., Urbana, IL (i386)
U. of Regina - Faculty of Engineering, Regina, SASK (i386)
USDOT/VNTSC/FHWA, Cambridge, MA (i386)
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Calexico, CA (i286)
Université de Montréal CRT, Montréal, QUE (SUN, VAX)
University of Alberta, Edmonton, ALB (i286)
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (i386)
University of California, Transp. Studies, Berkeley, CA (i286)
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL (i286)
University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO (i386)
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI (i386)
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chigago, IL (SPARC)
University of Maryland, College Park, MD (i286)
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (i386)
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (i286)
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (i286)
University of Princeton, Princeton, NJ (i286)
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX (i386)
University of Toronto, Data Management Group, Toronto, ONT (SPARC)
University of Washington, Seattle, WA (i286)
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario (i386)
Virginia Polytechnic Inst&State Univ, Blacksburg, VA (i286)
Washington State Dept. of Transp., Vancouver, WA (i386)

b) Europe

A-TIE Oy, Tampere, Finland (i386)
Aalborg Universitetscenter, Aalborg, Denmark (i386)
Arhus Sporveje, Risskov, Denmark (i386)
Aristotle's University, Thessaloniki, Greece (i386)
Aster s.r.l., Rome, Italy (i386)
Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (i386)
BOGESTRA, Bochum, Germany (SCO)
Blaise Dériaz, Ingénieur-Conseil, Geneva, Switzerland (i386)
C.E.T.E. Méditerranée, Aix-en-Provence, France (i386,SPARC)
C.G.F.T.E., Puteaux Cedex, FRANCE (I486)
COWIconsult, Lyngby, Denmark (i386)
Canton de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland (i386)
Central Regional Council, Roads Dept., Stirling, Scotland (i386)
Centro di Studio sui Sistemi di Trasporto, Rome, Italy (DSI-32)
City of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (i386)
City of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (mVAX)
City of Kotka, Kotka, Finland (i386)
City of Mainz, Mainz, Germany (i386)
City of Malmö, Malmö, Sweden (i386)
City of Naples, Naples, Italy (DSI-32)
City of Oslo, Oslo, Norway (i386)
City of Västeras, Västeras, Sweden (i386)
City of Zürich, Stadtplanungsamt, Zürich, Switzerland (SPARC)
Communaute Urbain de Lille, Lille, France (i386)
Comune Di Roma Rop. XIV, Roma, Italy (HP9000)
Conseil Général du nord, Lille, France (i386)
Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (i386)
Consorzio SDO-Roma, Roma, Italy (i386)
D.D.E. du Nord, Lille, France (i386)
Danish Road Administration, Copenhagen, Denmark (i386)
Dorsch Consult GmbH, München, Germany (i386)
EDICO u.s, Bratislavia, Czechoslovakia (i386)
EPFL/ITEP, Lausanne, Switzerland (VAX)
EPYPSA, Madrid, Spain (i386)
Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Sevilla, Spain (IBM RS6000)
Europe Etudes GECTI, Villeurbanne, France (i386)
Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz, Germany (i386)
Finnmap Oy, Helsinki, Finland (mVAX)
Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (VAX)
GfK Verkehrsplanung, Nürnberg, Germany (i386)
Högskolan i Lulea, Borlänge, Sweden (i286)
Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland (IBM RS6000)
INECO, Madrid, Spain (i386)
Ing.-Büro Prof. Dr. Karajan, Winnenden, Germany (i386)
Insinooritoimisto LTT Oy, Tampere, Finland (mVAX)
Institute of Transport Economics, Oslo, Norway (i386)
Intermetro S.P.A., Rome, Italy (i386)
Istituto di Strade e Trasporti, Trieste, Italy (i386)
Italimpianti S.P.A., Genova, Italy (DSI-32)
Lanstrafiken i Malmohus Lan AB, Lund, Sweden (i386)
Liikennetekniikka Oy, Helsinki, Finland (HP9000)
London Docklands Development Corp, London, U.K.(i386)
London Transport, London, U.K. (i386)
Maa ja Vesi Oy, Helsinki, Finland (mVAX)
Ministère Equip. et Transports SIER, Paris, France (i386)
Network South East, London, England (i386)
Orebro Kommun, Stadsbyggnadsk., Orebro, Sweden (i386)
Oulun Teknillinen Oppilaitos, Oulu, Finland (VAX)
Ove Arup & Partners, London, U.K. (SPARC)
Oy Vesi-Hydro Ab, Helsinki, Finland (VAX)
PROSAM V/Plan-og bygingsetaten, Oslo, Norway (i386)
Panplan Oy, Espoo, Finland (VAX)
PlanTech, Malmö, Sweden (i386)
Planungsbüro für Verkehr, Berlin, Germany (i386)
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy (i286)
Prof. Dr. H. Neukirchen, Wien, Austria (i386)
Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti C.N.R., Rome, Italy (VAX)
Provincia di Livorno, Livorno, Italy (DSI-32)
Rapp Ingenieur+Informatik AG, Zürich, Switzerland (i386)
Rapp Ingenieure+Planer, Basel, Switzerland (Apollo)
Robert-Grandpierre et Rapp SA, Lausanne, Switzerland (i386)
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (i386)
SINTEF Norw. Inst. of Technology, Trondheim, Norway (i386)
SNV Studienges.Nahverkehr,BergischGladbach,Germany (i386,SPARC)
SNV Studienges.Nahverkehr,Hamburg,Germany(mVAX,i386)
Shropshire County Council, Abbey Foregate, U.K. (i386)
Soc. Montp. de Transport Urbain, Montpellier, France (i386)
Société des Transp Intercomm, Brussels, Belgium (i386)
Stockholm County Council, Stockholm, Sweden (VAX, SPARC)
Suunnittelukeskyus Oy, Helsinki, Finland (VAX)
Suunnittelukolmio Oy, Oulu, Finland (mVAX)
Swedish Board of Transport, Solna, Sweden (i386)
Swedish National Road Administr, Borlänge, Sweden (i386)
Swedish Rail Administration, Borlänge, Sweden (i386)
Swedish State Railway, Stockholm, Sweden (i386)
TRANSPLAN s.r.l., Milano, Italy (mVAX)
Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland (i386)
Tampereen Kaupungin Kaavoitusv.,Tampere,Finland (Intergraph)
Target group GmbH, Furth, Germany (i386)
Tie-Ja Vesirakennushallitus, Helsinki, Finland (HP9000)
Town of Kemi, Kemi, Finland (i386)
Tractebel, Brussels, Belgium (mVAX)
Transek AB, Solna, Sweden (i386)
Transportation Planning Associates, Birmingham,U.K.(i386)
Transportation Planning Associates, London, U.K. (i386)
Transportation Planning Associates, Manchester, U.K.(i386)
Transports publics genevois, Geneva, Switzerland (i386)
Transports publics neuchâtelois, Neuchâtel, Suisse (i386)
Tromsø Kommun, Planseksjonen, Tromsø, Norway (i386)
UVATERV, Engineering Consultants, Budapest, Hungary (MVAX)
Univ. della Basilicata, Dip. di Architettura, Potenza, Italy (i386)
Universidad Polytecnica de Cataluna, Barcelona, Spain (VAX)
Università di Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy (i386)
Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy (i286, i386)
Uppsala Gatukontor, Uppsala, Sweden (i386)
Urban Systems Management, Madrid, Spain (i386)
Uusimaa Road District, Helsinki, Finland (HP9000)
VBB Sodra Regionen, Malmö, Sweden (i386)
Vaasan Kaupunki, Vaasa, Finland (mVAX)
Vattenbyggnadsbyran AB, Malmö, Sweden (i286)
Viatek Oy, Espoo, Finland (HP9000)
Ville de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland (i386)
WEGA Ingenieur-Gesellschaft, Rheine, Germany, (i386)
YTV/Liikenneosasto, Helsinki, Finland (mVAX)
Zierl-Consult Ingenieurgemeinschaft, Weingarten, Germany (i386)

c) Other

ALMEC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan (i386)
Arriyadh Development Authority, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (mVAX)
Auckland Regional Authority, Auckland, New Zealand (i386)
Australian Road Research Board Ltd, Vermont South, Australia (i386)
BPP Teknologi, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia (i386)
Cia de Engenharia de Trafego, Sao Paulo, Brasil (i386)
City of Incheon, Incheon, Korea (i386)
Connell Wagner (NSW) Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia (i386)
Dept. of Transportation and Public Works, Puerto Rico, (i386)
Environmental Planning in Hanyang Univ., Seoul, Korea (i386)
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul, Korea (i286)
Israel Inst.of Transp.Plann&Res,Tel Aviv,Israel (DSI-780, i386)
Jerusalem Development Authority, Jerusalem, Israel (i386)
Keith Long, Bronte, Australia (SPARC)
Korea Institute of Transportation Studies, Korea (i386)
Korea Transport Institute, Seoul, Korea (i386)
Ministère de l'Equipement, des Transp. et de la Mer, Dakar, Senegal (i386)
National Roads Board, Auckland, New Zealand (i286)
Pengurusan Lebuhraya BHD, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (i386)
Perunding Atur SDN.BHD, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (DSI-780,i386)
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Sentiago, Chile (i286)
Rankine & Hill Pty Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand (i386)
Roads&Traffic Auth.of New S.Wales,Surry Hills,Australia(i386)
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (i386)
Shandong Teacher's University, Jinan, P.Rep. China (VAX)
Shanghai City Planning Institute, Shanghai, P.Rep. China (mVAX)
Shanghai Compr.Transp.Plan.Team, Shanghai, P.Rep. China (i386)
Shanghai Institute of Mech.Eng., Shanghai, P.Rep. China (VAX)
Sinclair Knight, St Leonards, Australia (i386)
State Rail Authority of New S.Wales, Sydney, Australia (i386)
Syst. Eng. Research Inst. of Shanghai, Shanghai, P.Rep China (i386)
Tongji University, Shanghai, P. Rep. of China (i386)
Transit New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand (i386)
Transp. Study Group, Roads & Traffic Auth., Surry Hills, Australia (SPARC)
Transperth, East Perth, Australia (i386)
Travers Morgan, Lindfield, Australia (i386)
Univer. of Auckland, Civil Eng. Dept., Auckland, New Zealand (i386)
University of New South Wales, Kensington, Australia (i386)
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (i386)
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad (i286)

d) Distributors and Agents

INRO Consultants Inc.
5160 Décarie Blvd, #610, Montreal, Que H3X 2H9, Canada
Tel: (514) 369-2023, Fax: (514) 369-2026
Headquarters - worldwide distribution

Aster s.r.l.
Via Tirone 11-13, I-00146 Rome, Italy
Tel: (39) 6-556-5129, Fax: (39) 6-556-6085
Distributor for Italy

Barton-Aschman Associates
100 Park Center Plaza #450, San Jose, CA 95113, U.S.A.
Tel: (408) 280-6600, Fax: (408) 280-7533
Distributor for U.S.A.

Connell Wagner (NSW) Pty Limited
116 Military Road, Neutral Bay, Sydney NSW2089, Australia
Tel: (61) 2-909-5599, Fax: (61) 2-908-2044
Agent for Australia and New Zealand

Finnmap Oy
Teollisuuskatu 15, SF-00510 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: (35) 80-393-3623, Fax: (35) 80-393-3696
Distributor for Finland

Hédi Larbi, a/s Territoires Conseils Associés
18/20 rue Claude Tillier, F-75012 Paris, France
Tel: (33) 1-4370-6366, Fax: (33) 1-4370-6760
Agent for France

Perunding Atur SDN.BHD
128-B Jalan Kasah, Medan Demansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: (60) 3-255-3568, Fax: (60) 3-255-3686
Agent for Malaysia

RAPP Ingenieure + Planer
Hochstrasse 100, CH-4018 Basel, Switzerland
Tel: (41) 61-331-7750, Fax: (41) 61-331-3633
Distributor for Switzerland, Germany and Austria

SNV Studiengesellschaft Nahverkehr mbH
Brüderstraße 53, D-5060 Bergisch Gladbach 1, Germany
Tel: (49) 2204-46-0, Fax: (49) 2204-46-14
Agent for Germany

Transek AB
Solna Torg 3, 2tr, S-17145 Solna, Sweden
Tel: (46) 8-735-20-20, Fax: (46) 8-735-20-30
Distributor for Denmark, Norway and Sweden

Transportation Planning Associates
61 Southwark Street, London SE1 1SA, U.K.
Tel: (44) 71-928-6690, Fax: (44) 71-928-5566
Agent for United Kingdom

Urban Systems Management
Plaza de Manolete 5, 1A, E-28020 Madrid, Spain
Tel: (34) 1-597-4572, Fax: (34) 1-597-1523
Agent for Spain

e) Software Support and Development

INRO Consultants Inc.
5160 Décarie Boulevard, Suite 610
Montreal, Que H3X 2H9, Canada
Tel: (514) 369-2023, Fax: (514) 369-2026
Headquarters - support and development activities

EMME/2 Support Center
Haldenstrasse 16
CH-2558 Aegerten, Switzerland
Tel: (41) 32-532057, Fax: (41) 32-535786
Support and development activities

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Heinz Spiess, EMME/2 Support Center, Thu Jun 6 14:36:07 MET DST 1996