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Aalborg Kommune, Aalborg, Denmark (PC)
Al-Azzawi, Marwan, Edinburgh, U.K. (PC)
Arhus Sporveje, Risskov, Denmark (PC)
Aristotle's University of Thessaloniki, TRUTH-Kykloforiaki Ltd, Thessaloniki, Greece (HP)
ASTER s.r.l., Rome, Italy (HP)
Aston University, Birmingham, U.K. (PC)
ATAF, Consorzio'Area Fiorentina, Firenze, Italy (PC)
A-TIE OY, Tampere, Finland (PC)
Attiko Metro AE, Athens, Greece (HP)
Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (PC)
Ayuntamiento de Vitoria, Gabinete de Tráfico, Vitoria, Spain (PC)
Babtie Group, Shrewsbury, U.K. (PC)
Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bath, U.K. (PC)
Biuro Planowania Rozwoju Warszawy, Warsaw, Poland (PC)
Blaise Dériaz Ingénieur-Conseil, Genčve, Switzerland (PC)
BOGESTRA, Bochum, Germany (PC)
Bonalumi e Ferrari SA, Bellinzona, Switzerland (PC)
Bureau de la planification, Warsaw, Poland (s800)
Canton de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland (PC)
Centre for Transport Studies, London, U.K. (PC)
Centro di Studio per la Teoria dei Sistemi, CNR, Milano, Italy (PC)
C.E.T.E.du Sud-Ouest, Saint-Médard-en-Jalles, France (PC)
C.E.T.E.Méditerranée, Aix-en-Provence, France (PC)
CETE Nord - Picardie, Lille, France (PC)
CIDS, Centro Ingegneria dei Sistemi SpA, Rome, Italy (PC)
City Council of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia (PC)
City of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (DRSELF,VMS)
City of Kotka, Kotka, Finland (PC)
City of Västerĺs (Gatukontoret), Västerĺs, Sweden (PC)
Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France (PC)
Communauté urbaine de Dunkerque, Dunkerque, France (PC)
Communauté Urbaine de Lille, Lille, France (PC,HP)
Comune di Como UTC, Serv.Mobilitŕ e Traffico, Como, Italy(PC)
Comune di Perugia Ufficio Ripartizione Vigilanza, Perugia, Italy (PC)
Comune di Roma, Serv.Reti Integrate di Trasporto, Roma, Italy (HP)
Comune di Roma RIP.XIV, Rome, Italy (s800)
Conseil Général, Dépt du Val de Marne, Valenton, France (PC)
Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (PC)
CONSULTRANS, S.A., Madrid, Spain (PC)
Corporación Espańola de Transporte, S.A., Madrid, Spain (PC)
COWI, Lyngby, Denmark (PC)
Cranfield University, Cranfield, U.K. (PC)
Danske Statsbaner, København, Denmark (PC)
Department of Transportation & Hydraulics School of Rural Eng., Thessaloniki, Greece (PC) Urbanismo y Planificación Regional, Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (PC)
Dipl.-Ing.Gerd Köser, Hamburg, Germany (PC)
Dir.Ré l'Équipement d'Ile de France, Créteil, France (PC)
Dir.Ré l'Équipement d'Ile de France, Paris, France (PC)
Dorsch Consult, München, Germany (PC)
DS4, S.L., Madrid, Spain (PC)
DSB, Copenhagen, Denmark (PC)
Dübbers Klaus, Hamburg, Germany (PC)
Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Valencia, Valencia, Spain (PC)
ENEA Centro Ricerche Energia Casaccia, Rome, Italy (Sparc)
EPFL/ITEP, Lausanne, Switzerland (PC)
EPYPSA, Madrid, Spain (PC)
Equipo de técnicos en transporte y territorio, Madrid, Spain (PC)
Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Sevilla, Spain (PC)
Esfahan Regional Metro Company, Paris, France (PC)
ETC Transport Consultants, Berlin, Germany (PC)
E.T.S.I.Caminos, Canales Y Puertos, Madrid, Spain (PC)
Europe Etudes GECTI, Villeurbanne, France (PC)
Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz, Germany (PC)
Falkirk Council, Strategic Services, Falkirk, U.K. (PC)
Ferrovie dello Stato SpA, Milano, Italy (PC)
Ferrovie dello Stato SpA, Rome, Italy (PC)
Finnish National Road Administration, Helsinki, Finland (s800)
Gdansk City Council, Gdansk, Poland (PC)
Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (PC)
Generalitat Valencia.Coput.D.G.Transportes, Valencia, Spain (PC)
GfK Marktforschung Verkehrsplanung, Nürnberg, Germany (PC)
Gibb Limited, Reading, U.K. (PC)
Halcrow Fox and Associates, London, U.K. (PC)
Halmstads Kommun, Stadsbyggnadskontoret, Halmstad, Sweden (PC)
Hampshire County Council, Winchester, U.K. (PC)
Haskoning, Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (PC)
Helsinki City Transport Planning Unit, Helsinki, Finland (DRSELF,VMS)
Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland (alpha)
Hochbau- und Planungsamt, Basel, Switzerland (PC)
i.m.Intermetro spa, Rome, Italy (PC)
INECO, Madrid, Spain (PC)
Ingenieurbüro Neukirchen, Wien, Austria (PC)
Ingenieurbüro Prof.Dr.-Ing.Karajan, Stuttgart, Germany (PC)
Inregia Institute for Regional Analysis, Stockholm, Sweden (Sparc)
Institut für Bahntechnik GmbH, Köln, Germany (Sparc)
Institute for transport sciences/Hungary, Budapest, Hungary (PC)
Institute of Development and Planning, Aalborg, Denmark (PC)
ISIS, Lille, France (PC)
Istituto di Strade e Trasporti, Trieste, Italy (PC)
I.SV.E.UR, Rome, Italy (PC)
ITALFERR-SIS.T.A.V.s.p.a., Rome, Italy (PC)
JAE Junta Autónoma de Estradas, Almada, Portugal (PC)
Latvian Road Administration, Riga, Latvia (PC)
Les Transports en Commun de la Communauté Urbaine de Lille, Marcq-en-Baroeul, France (PC)
London Docklands Development Corporation, London, U.K. (PC)
London Transport Marketing, London, U.K. (PC,Sparc)
LT Konsultit Oy, Helsinki, Finland (PC)
Länstrafiken Malmöhus, Lund, Sweden (PC)
Maa ja Vesi Oy, Helsinki, Finland (PC)
Malmö Stad Gatukontoret, Malmö, Sweden (PC)
MATREX Oy, Helsinki, Finland (PC)
Ministčre Wallon de l'Equipement et des Transports (MET), Namur, Belgium (PC)
Ministerio Obras Públicas, Madrid, Spain (PC)
Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens, Greece (PC)
Napier University, Edinburgh, U.K. (PC)
NSB Persontrafikk, Oslo, Norway (PC)
Oaklands College, St.Albans, U.K. (PC)
O/D Pianificazione e Progetto, Studio Associato, Perugia, Italy (PC)
Odense Kommune, Odense, Denmark (PC)
Office des Transports et de la Circulation, Genčve, Switzerland (PC)
Office of Passenger Rail Franchising (OPRAF), London, U.K. (PC)
Office of Regional Planning and Urban Transportation, Stockholm, Sweden (Sparc)
OficinaMunicipalDelPlanAyuntamientodeMadrid,Madrid, Spain(PC)
Örebro Kommun Stadsbyggnadskontoret, Örebro, Sweden (PC)
Oscar Faber TPA, Altrincham/ Birmingham/ Bristol/ Cardiff/ Edinburgh/ St.Albans/ York, U.K. (PC)
Oulu Institute of Technology, Oulu, Finland (PC)
Ove Arup & Partners, London, U.K. (Sparc)
Ove Arup & Partners (U.K.), Edinburgh, U.K. (Sparc)
Oy Vesi-Hydro Ab, Helsinki, Finland (PC)
PFT/2 Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti 2, Rome, Italy (PC)
PLANTECH AB, Malmö, Sweden (PC)
Planungsbüro für Verkehr, Berlin, Germany (PC)
Planungsgemeinschaft michael-jaeger, Hannover, Germany (PC)
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy (PC)
Projet Impulse, Antwerp, Belgium (HP)
Projet Impulse, Bruxelles, Belgium (HP)
PROSAM V/Plan-og bygningsetaten, Oslo, Norway (PC)
Provincia di Livorno, Livorno, Italy (PC)
RAPP Ingenieure + Planer, Basel, Switzerland (HP)
RAPP Ingenieure + Planer (ZH) AG, Zürich, Switzerland (PC)
Ratahallintokeskus, Helsinki, Finland (PC)
RATP, Département du Développement, Vincennes, France (PC)
Regione Piemonte, Assessorato Trasporti, Torino, Italy (PC)
Republic of Latvia, Ministry of Transport, Riga, Latvia (PC)
Riga City Council, Riga, Latvia (PC)
Robert-Grandpierre et Rapp SA, Lausanne, Switzerland (PC)
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (PC)
Shropshire County Council, Shrewsbury, U.K. (PC)
Sintagma srl, Perugia, Italy (PC)
SINTEF Transport Engineering, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway (PC)
Sir Frederick Snow (International) Ltd., London, U.K. (PC)
Sir William Halcrow & Partners Ltd, Gloucester, U.K. (Sparc)
SJ, Stab Ekonomi och Finans, Stockholm, Sweden (PC)
Slovenská Správa Ciest, Bratislava, Slovakia (PC)
Société C.G.F.T.E., Nanterre, France (PC)
Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles (S.T.I.B.), Bruxelles, Belgium (PC)
Société Générale d'Entreprises, Rueil-Malmaison, France (PC)
Société Lyonnaise de Transports en commun, Lyon, France (PC)
Société STAR, Rennes, France (PC)
SOGELERG Ingénierie s.n.c., Rungis, France (PC)
Stadt Witten Planungsamt, Witten, Germany (PC)
Stadtverwaltung Mainz, Mainz, Germany (PC)
Statens Institut för Kommunikations Analys, SIKA, Stockholm, Sweden (PC)
Suunnittelukeskus Oy, Helsinki, Finland (VMS)
Suunnittelukolmio Oy, Oulu, Finland (PC)
Swedish National Road Administration, Borlänge, Sweden (PC)
Swedish National Road Administration, Luleĺ, Sweden (PC)
Swedish Rail Administration (Banverket), Borlänge, Sweden (PC)
SWEROAD, Solna, Sweden (PC)
Södertälje kommun, Södertälje, Sweden (PC)
Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland (PC)
Tampereen kaupungin ympäristövirasto Liikennesuunnitteluyksikko, Tampere, Finland (PC)
Target Group GmbH, Nürnberg, Germany (PC)
Technum N.V., Hasselt, Belgium (PC)
TecnEcon Ltd, London, U.K. (PC)
TED Verkehrsplanung, Zürich, Switzerland (Sparc)
Tekniska Högskolan i Luleĺ, Luleĺ, Sweden (PC)
Tekniska Högskolan i Lund Inst för trafikteknik, Lund, Sweden (PC)
Territoires Conseil Associés, Paris, France (PC)
Terza Universitŕ degli Studi, Rome, Italy (PC)
Tři Transport Okonomisk Institutt, Oslo, Norway (s800)
Town of Kemi, Kemi, Finland (PC)
Tractebel Development, Bruxelles, Belgium (PC)
Transek AB, Mölndal, Sweden (PC)
Transek AB, Solna, Sweden (PC)
Transeuropean Consulting Unit, Thessaloniki, Greece (HP)
TRANSPLAN s.r.l., Milano, Italy (PC)
Transports en commun de la communauté urbaine de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France (PC)
Travaux Publics Ville Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (PC)
Tromsö Kommune Planseksjonen, Tromsö, Norway (PC)
Tyréns Infrakonsult AB, Sundbyberg, Sweden (PC)
Umeĺ Gatukontor, Umeĺ, Sweden (PC)
Union Railways Ltd., London, U.K. (PC,Sparc)
Universidad de Cantabria, Depto de Matematicas Estadistica y Computacion, Santander, Spain (PC)
Universidad de Cantabria, Dpto.Matemáticas, Santander, Spain (PC)
Universidad Politčcnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (PC,Sparc)
Universitŕ degli Studi di Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy (PC)
Universitŕ della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy (PC)
Universitŕ di Genova, Genova, Italy (PC)
Universitŕ di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy (RS6000)
Universitat Jaume I.Depto.Tecnologia, Castellón, Spain (PC)
Université de Ličge, ANAST, Ličge, Belgium (PC)
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium (PC)
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K. (PC)
University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany (PC)
University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany (PC)
University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain (PC)
Uppsala kommun, Tekniska kontoret, Uppsala, Sweden (PC)
UVATERV, Budapest, Hungary (PC)
Vaasan Kaupunki, Vaasa, Finland (PC)
VBB/VIAK AB, Malmö, Sweden (PC)
Vejdirektoratet, Copenhagen, Denmark (PC)
Verkehrsinspektorat der Stadt Bern, Bern, Switzerland (PC)
Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg GmbH, Köln, Germany (PC)
VIA GTI, Division VIA Transport, Paris, France (PC)
Viatek Oy, Espoo, Finland (HP)
Ville de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland (PC)
Ville de Montpellier, Montpellier, France (PC)
Vilnius Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania (PC)
WEGA Ingenieur-Gesellschaft, Rheine, Germany (PC)
West Midlands Joint Data Team, Solihull, U.K. (Sparc)
YTV/Liikenneosasto, Helsinki, Finland (VMS)
Zierl-Consult Ingenieurgemeinschaft, Weingarten, Germany (PC)
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Heinz Spiess,
EMME/2 Support Center,
Tue Oct 28 14:21:47 MET 1997