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Multilayer Volume Plots in Module 6.12

Traditionally, three categories of auto volumes have been used in EMME/2: auto volumes, additional volumes and total volumes, defined as the sum of auto and additional volumes. As the continuous developments rendered the auto assignment within EMME/2 more powerful with every new release, today these three categories are no longer really sufficient, and the following needs have become apparent:

The above needs are addressed in Release 8 by providing a new and greatly enhanced version of module 6.12. In this new version, the old option ``3= total volumes on auto network'' has been replaced by the new option ``3= composed volumes on auto network''. When activated, the user can choose among the following possibilities:

Select: 1= sum of auto and additional volumes
        2= difference auto minus additional volumes
        3= auto volumes and additional volumes
        4= additional volumes and auto volumes
        5= additional volumes as first part of auto volumes
        6= additional volumes as second part of auto volumes
        7= class specific auto volumes
The first selection corresponds exactly to the old total volumes, whereas the second allows displaying the complement of the additional volumes as a standard single-layer volume plot. The remaining selections produce multi-layer volume plots in which each selected volume component is displayed separately, using parallel volume bands of different colors.

The following example shows the results of a multiclass assignment with three classes of users, each associated with a different value of time:

turn editor worksheet

A word of caution: Even though displaying auto volumes in the above way gives a new and very powerful means of visualizing composed volumes, one should not forget that, from a mathematical point of view, the decomposition of the total volumes into its components is not necessarily unique. Thus, other decompositions than the one obtained by the assignment may exist.

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Heinz Spiess, EMME/2 Support Center, Thu Jun 6 15:05:42 MET DST 1996