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Benchmark Update

The following table contains some new benchmark results obtained since we published the last benchmark results in EMME/2 NEWS No. 15:
Computer Model Processor Speed Benchm. Auto Assignm. Transit
CPU/FPU MHzDate 1 it. total Assignm.
HP 9000-730PA-RISC6609/ 931.415.8 6.46
DEC 3000/400 - OSF/1ALPHA13304/951.718.5 7.51
Compaq Deskpro XL 590Pentium 9003/951.718.7 7.74
SUN SPARCserv. 1000ESuperSPARC 6004/951.821.1 6.93
Compaq Deskpro XL 566Pentium 6606/942.224.7 9.30
SUN SPARCstation 5 tex2html_wrap_inline181 SPARC-II 7004/953.537.211.61
DEC 3000/400 - VMSALPHA13310/933.842.916.12

Note that the benchmark results in the above table were obtained with Release 7. The CPU times for the transit assignment can therefore not be compared directly with earlier benchmark results. In Release 7 the CPU time for the transit assignment of the Winnipeg demonstration data bank has increased by about 25%, since the optimal strategies are now computed for all destinations, not just those with non-zero demand.

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Heinz Spiess, EMME/2 Support Center, Thu Jun 6 15:01:15 MET DST 1996