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Generalized Cost Auto Assignment

The standard EMME/2 auto assignment is based on the equilibration of travel times, which are obtained as results from the volume-delay and turn penalty functions. Since these functions are freely definable by the user, it was always possible to formulate them to include other cost factors, such as distance or road tolls. Using this type of work-around to implement a generalized cost function has the disadvantage that the time related assignment results no longer correspond to the true travel times and speeds, but are also expressed in generalized cost equivalents. Furthermore, since in a multiclass assignment all classes share the same volume-delay function, it is not possible to use this method in situations where the generalized cost function is class specific.

With the introduction of the generalized cost auto assignment in Release 7, there is no longer any need to recode volume-delay functions for using generalized costs. An arbitrary fixed cost term can now be added to the travel times during the assignment. This way, the route choice is based on the sum of travel times and fixed costs, while all time related assignment results (such as link times, total vehicle-hours, speeds, etc) are kept in their native units. The fixed cost term is defined by the user during the assignment preparation as a link attribute (chosen from length, ul1, ul2, ul3 or any extra link attribute @xxxxx) and the corresponding weight coefficient. In a multiclass assignment these fixed costs are class specific, so for each class a different link attribute and/or coefficient can be specified (in addition to the class specific auxiliary auto mode). This allows, e.g., the implementation of a multiclass assignment in which each class is charged a different toll, or perceives the fuel cost (distance!) or tolls according to a different value of time.

From an implementational point of view, the generalized cost assignment is activated by the modified single class/multiclass select question, which now reads

   Select: 1= single class assignment on auto mode
           2= single class assignment with generalized cost
           3= multiclass assignment
           4= multiclass assignment with generalized cost
Note that the most often used selections 1 and 3 are unchanged from the previous release, so that in most cases this change will not affect macros at all.

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Heinz Spiess, EMME/2 Support Center, Thu Jun 6 14:58:10 MET DST 1996