We are very pleased to announce that Mrs. Isabelle Constantin, Ph.D., and Mr. Robert Lussier, M.Sc., joined INRO in September. Mrs. Constantin has contributed in the past to EMME/2 developments, to consulting projects carried out for organizations using EMME/2 and to the teaching of EMME/2 courses in Montreal and abroad. Among other responsibilities, in her capacity of Manager of External Relations, she will be in charge of organizing EMME/2 courses and workshops for new and experienced users. Mr. Robert Lussier has worked in the past on projects carried out with EMME/2 and STAN. He has been assigned responsibilities in R&D related activities and will also support some of the administrative functions of the company.
After an informal collaboration over the past year, Mr. H/edi Larbi has been appointed Agent for France. He visited INRO during the first week of September. As a result of a merger with Rankine & Hill, Connell Wagner (NSW) Pty Ltd is now our Agent in Australia and New Zealand.