The concept of user defined data items, in which application specific data can be stored along with each element of the data bank, has been further extended. Up to now, user data items could be stored along with each node, link, turn and transit line. Newly, up to three user defined data items can also be made available for each transit line segment. These new user data items are referred to by the keywords US1, US2 and US3. They can be entered and modified as part of the itinerary in modules 2.21 and 2.22, listed and punched in module 2.24, and displayed graphically in module 2.23. The segment user data items can also be accessed as parameters in the transit time functions; and since the new Network Calculator, module 2.41, now includes computations at the level of transit lines and segments, they provide the natural means to store results of segment computations.
Some interesting applications of the segment user data items include: