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Who's Using EMME/2?

a) North America

Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, Oakland, CA (microVAX)
Barton-Aschman Associates Inc, Dallas, TX (DSI-780)
Barton-Aschman Associates Inc, Evanston, IL (DSI-780, Intel 386)
Barton-Aschman Associates Inc, Pasadena, CA (DSI-780, Intel 286)
Barton-Aschman Associates Inc, San Jose, CA (DSI-780)
Barton-Aschman Associates Inc, Washington, DC (DSI-780)
Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc, Philadelphia, PA (Intel 386)
California Department of Transportation, Sacramento, CA (DSI-780)
City of Bellevue, Bellevue, WA (microVAX)
City of Calgary, Calgary, ALB (DSI-32)
City of Carlsbad, Transportation Network, Carlsbad, CA (DSI-32)
City of Concord, Concord, CA (Intel 386)
City of Edmonton, Edmonton, ALB (DSI-780)
City of Portland, Portland, OR (microVAX)
City of Regina - Municipal Engineering, Regina, SASK (Intel 386)
City of Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, CA (DSI-780)
City of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MAN (DSI-32)
Clark County Public Serv./Transportation, Vancouver, WA (DSI-780)
Communauté régionale de l'Outaouais CTCRO, Hull, QUE (DSI-32)
Contra Costa County, Martinez, CA (DSI-780)
Crain & Associates, Los Angeles, CA (DSI-780)
DKS Associates, Los Angeles, CA (Intel 386)
Department of Public Works, Long Beach, CA (Intel 386)
Dept of Civil Engineering, U. of Toronto, Toronto, ONT (Intel 286)
Deschutes County Public Works Department, Bend, OR (microVAX)
Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transp Distr, San Rafael, CA (DSI-780)
Greater Vancouver Regional District, Burnaby, B.C. (microVAX)
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (Intel 286)
Houston Galveston Area Council, Houston, TX (Intel 386)
Intergovernmental Resource Center, Vancouver, WA (Intel 386)
Iowa State University, Ames, IA (Intel 286)
Kaku Associates, Santa Monica, CA (Intel 386)
Kern Council of Governments, Bakersfield, CA (DSI-32)
King County Transportation Planning, Seattle, WA (Intel 386)
Los Angeles Department of Transportation, Los Angeles, CA (DSI-32)
M.I.T. Computer Resource Laboratory, Cambridge, MA (Intel 286)
Marin County Department of Public Works, San Rafael, CA (DSI-32)
Maryland Natl Captl Parks + Planning Comm., Silver Spring, MD (HP9000)
Metropolitan Rail, Chicago, IL (IBM 3091)
Metropolitan Service District, Portland, OR (Masscomp)
Metropolitan Transit Authority, Houston, TX (Intel 386)
Mid-America Regional Council, Kansas City, MO (Intel 386)
Ministère des Transp. du Québec DGTPM, Montréal, QUE (IBM 3090/4381)
Municipality of Metro Seattle, Seattle, WA (VAX)
Office for Long-Range Planning, Seattle, WA (Intel 386)
Orange County Transit District, Garden Grove, CA (DSI-780)
Ottawa-Carleton Regional Transit Commission, Ottawa, ONT (VAX)
PBDC, Dallas, TX (microVAX)
Perdue University, West Lafayette, IN (Intel 286)
Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York, NY (DSI-32)
Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth, Hamilton, ONT (VAX)
Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, Ottawa, ONT (DSI-780)
Regional Municipality of Peel, Brampton, ONT (Intel 386)
Snohomish County, Everett, WA (Masscomp)
Terry Partridge & Associates Ltd, Vancouver, B.C. (DSI-780)
Town of Amherst, Amherst, NH (Intel 286)
Traffic Engineering Division City of Renton, Renton, WA (Intel 286)
Transportation Center, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL (Intel 286)
Transports Canada, navigation aérienne, Dorval, QUE (DSI-780)
Université de Montréal CRT, Montréal, QUE (VAX, SUN, microVAX)
University of Alberta, Edmonton, ALB (Intel 286)
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL (Intel 286)
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (Intel 286)
University of Toronto, Data Management Group, Toronto, ONT (HP9000)
Urban Transp Center, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago, IL (Intel 286)
Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ., Blacksburg, VA (Intel 286)
Washington State Dept. of Transportation, Vancouver, WA (Intel 386)

b) Europe

AB Storstockholms Lokaltrafik, Stockholm, Sweden (VAX)
Aalborg Universitetscenter, Aalborg, Denmark (Intel 286)
Arhus Sporveje, Risskov, Denmark (Intel 286)
Aristotle's University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece (DSI-32)
Aster S.R.L., Rome, Italy (DSI-32)
Atena Computer Science S.R.L., Milano, Italy (microVAX)
Blaise Dériaz, Ingénieur-Conseil, Geneva, Switzerland (DSI-780)
C.E.T.E. Méditerranée, Aix-en-Provence, France (DSI-32)
Communaute Urbain de Lille, Lille, France (Intel 386)
Conseil Général du nord, Lille, France (Intel 386)
COWIconsult, Lyngby, Denmark (DSI-32)
Centro di Studio sui Sistemi di Trasporto, Rome, Italy (DSI-32)
City of Naples, Naples, Italy (DSI-32)
City of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (Intel 286)
City of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (microVAX)
City of Mainz, Mainz, F.R.G. (Intel 286)
City of Malmö, Malmö, Sweden (DSI-32)
City of Oslo, Oslo, Norway (Intel 386)
City of Västeras, Västeras, Sweden (DSI-32)
Danish Road Administration, Copenhagen, Denmark (DSI-780)
D.D.E. du Nord, Lille, France (Intel 386)
Dorsch Consult GmbH, München, F.R.G. (Intel 286)
EPFL/ITEP, Lausanne, Switzerland (microVAX)
Finnmap Oy, Helsinki, Finland (microVAX)
Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland (VAX)
Högskolan i Lulea, Borl„nge, Sweden (Intel 286)
Ing.-Büro Prof. Dr. Karajan, Winnenden, F.R.G. (Intel 286)
Insinooritoimisto LTT Oy, Tampere, Finland (microVAX)
Intermetro S.P.A., Rome, Italy (DSI-32)
Istituto di Strade e Trasporti, Trieste, Italy (DSI-32)
Italimpianti S.P.A., Genova, Italy (DSI-32)
London Docklands Development Corporation, London, England (Intel 386)
London Regional Transport, London, Great Britain (Intel 386)
Maa ja Vesi Oy, Helsinki, Finland (microVAX)
Ministère Equipement et Transports S.I.E.R., Paris, France (DSI-780)
Prof. Dr. H. Neukirchen, Wien, Austria (Intel 286)
Prof. Dr. H. Zierl, Bludenz, Austria (Intel 286)
Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti C.N.R., Rome, Italy (VAX)
Prognos Samarbeidsgruppen, Oslo, Norway (DSI-780, Intel 386)
Provincia di Livorno, Livorno, Italy (DSI-32)
Rapp Ingenieur und Informatik AG, Zürich, Switzerland (DSI-780)
Rapp Ingenieure und Planer AG, Basel, Switzerland (HP9000)
Robert-Grandpierre et Rapp SA, Lausanne, Switzerland (DSI-32)
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (DSI-32)
SNV, Studienges. Nahverkehr mbH, Hamburg, F.R.G.(microVAX, Intel 386)
Société des Transports Intercommunaux, Brussels, Belgium (Intel 386)
Stockholm County Council, Stockholm, Sweden (VAX)
Suunnittelukolmio Oy, Oulu, Finland (microVAX)
Swedish Board of Transport, Solna, Sweden (DSI-780)
Swedish National Road Administration, Borlänge, Sweden (Intel 386)
Swedish Rail Administration, Borlänge, Sweden (Intel 386)
Swedish State Railway, Stockholm, Sweden (DSI-780)
Town of Kemi, Kemi, Finland (Intel 286)
Tractebel, Brussels, Belgium (microVAX)
Transek AB, Solna, Sweden (DSI-780, Intel 386)
Transportation Planning Associates, London, England (Intel 386)
Transport Economic Institute, Oslo, Norway (DSI-780)
Transports publics genevois, Geneva, Switzerland (DSI-780)
Universidad Polytecnica de Cataluna, Barcelona, Spain (VAX)
Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy (DSI-32)
Uppsala Gatukontor, Uppsala, Sweden (Intel 286)
Vattenbyggnadsbyran AB, Malmö, Sweden (Intel 286)
Viatek Oy, Espoo, Finland (HP9000)
YTV/Liikenneosasto, Helsinki, Finland (microVAX)

c) Other

ALMEC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan (Intel 286)
Arriyadh Development Authority, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (microVAX)
Auckland Regional Authority, Auckland, New Zealand (Intel 386)
Israel Inst. of Transp. Plan. and Res., Tel Aviv, Israel (DSI-780, Intel 386)
Korea Transport Institute, Seoul, Korea (Intel 386)
National Roads Board, Auckland, New Zealand (Intel 286)
Shandong Teacher's University, Jinan, People's Rep. of China (VAX)
Shanghai City Planning Inst., Shanghai, People's Rep. of China (microVAX)
Shanghai Compr. Transp. Plan. Team, Shanghai, People's Rep. of China (Intel 386)
Shanghai Institute of Mech. Eng., Shanghai, People's Rep. of China (VAX)
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad (Intel 286)

d) Distribution and Software Support

INRO Consultants Inc.
4950 Queen Mary Rd. #100, Montreal, Que H3W 1X3, Canada
Tel: (514) 738-8336, Fax: (514) 738-8579
Headquarters - worlwide distribution and support

EMME/2 Support Center
Haldenstr.16, CH-2558 Aegerten, Switzerland
Tel: (41) 32-532057, Fax: (41) 32-535786
Support and development activities

Aster s.r.l.
84 Largo Fontanella Borghese, I-00186 Rome, Italy
Tel: (39) 6-678-8949, Fax: (39) 6-678-4684
Distributor for Italy

Barton-Aschman Associates
75 N Fair Oaks Ave, Pasadena, CA 91109
Tel: (818) 449-3917, Fax: (818) 440-8940
Distributor for U.S.A.

Finnmap Oy
Teollisuuskatu 15, SF-00510 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: (35) 80-393-3623, Fax: (35) 80-393-3696
Distributor for Finland

Rapp Ingenieure un Planer AG
Hochstrasse 100, CH-4018 Basel, Switzerland
Tel: (41) 61-331-7750, Fax: (41) 61-331-3633
Distributor for Switzerland, Germany and Austria

Transek AB
Solna Torg 3, 2tr, S-17145 Solna, Sweden
Tel: (46) 8-735-20-20, Fax: (46) 8-735-20-30
Distributor for Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany

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Heinz Spiess, EMME/2 Support Center, Thu Jun 6 14:19:19 MET DST 1996