Index of emme2/archive/senc/ (sorted by file dates):

This list is sorted according to file dates (newest files first) - click here for a list sorted according to file names.

This directory contains files related to SEnC, a Sequential Enif Client. A paper describing SEnC is available in HTML format and as PDF file.

Please note that the SEnC program is provided as-is, with no warranty whatsoever!

senc-logo.eps (Nov 21 10:30, 709 bytes)
SEnC logo in EPS format

senc-logo.png (Nov 21 10:23, 16 kbytes)
SEnC logo in PNG format

senc-logo.pdf (Nov 21 10:20, 3128 bytes)
SEnC logo in PDF format

senc-3.5a-linux.tgz (Jun 17 12:12, 2339 kbytes)
SEnC Version 3.5: Linux-i386 binary senc, source code, PDF-file of paper and example files (gzipped tarball) Newest version! (Jun 17 12:12, 1955 kbytes)
SEnC Version 3.5: Windows binary senc.exe, source code, PDF-file of paper and example files (zip archive) Newest version!

senc-presentation.pdf (May 30 11:11, 98 kbytes)
Slide copies based on my presentation at the 12th European EMME/2 User Conference in Basel, Switzerland, May 22-23, 20003.

COPYING (May 30 09:28, 1595 bytes)
Information regarding copying SEnC

INSTALL (May 30 09:28, 3086 bytes)
Installation notes

senc-2.5-linux.tgz (May 30 09:27, 2313 kbytes)
SEnC Version 2.5: Linux-i386 binary senc, source code, PDF-file of paper and example files (gzipped tarball) (May 30 09:27, 1922 kbytes)
SEnC Version 2.5: Windows binary senc.exe, source code, PDF-file of paper and example files (zip archive)

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