Index of emme2/archive/postscript/ (sorted by file names):

This list is sorted according to file names - click here for a list showing the newest files first (so that you can quickly see what has changed recently).

This directory contains PostScript files of some EMME/2 related papers. These files are compressed with the Gnu GZIP utility. If you do not already have access to the GZIP/GUNZIP utilities, you must first download them from somewhere (e.g. from here).
congtras.pdf (Jun 7 14:56, 108 kbytes)
Transit Equilibrium Assignment Based on Optimal Strategies: An Implementation in EMME/2
(also available as HTML Version) (Mar 13 1996, 43 kbytes)

conic.pdf (Jun 7 14:53, 147 kbytes)
Conical Volume-Delay Functions
(also available as HTML Version)
Two new appendices were added in August 1997 regarding marginal cost functions and efficient EMME/2 coding of conical functions. (Aug 5 1997, 290 kbytes)

demadj.pdf (Jun 7 15:45, 179 kbytes)
Demand Adjustment Using the Gradient Method
(also available as HTML Version) (Sep 24 1996, 59 kbytes)

enifpaper.pdf (Mar 26 2001, 8389 kbytes)
Enif - Toward a New Interface for EMME/2
(also available as HTML Version)

hourly.pdf (Jun 7 14:53, 166 kbytes)
Modelling the Daily Traffic Flows on an Hourly Basis
(also available as HTML Version) (Mar 13 1996, 48 kbytes)

mactut.pdf (Jun 7 15:05, 323 kbytes) (Apr 7 1997, 77 kbytes)
A Tutorial on the EMME/2 Macro Language
(also available as HTML Version)

parkcap.pdf (Jun 7 14:57, 176 kbytes)
A Logit Parking Choice Model with Explicit Capacities
First draft! (also available as HTML Version) (Nov 12 1996, 37 kbytes)

senc.pdf (Jun 16 12:25, 434 kbytes)
SEnC - A Sequential Enif Client
(also available as HTML Version) Based on SEnC version 3.5!

spimup.pdf (Jun 7 14:53, 182 kbytes)
Biproportional Matrix Balancing with Upper Bounds
(also available as HTML Version) (Jun 4 1997, 68 kbytes)

tchain.pdf (Jun 7 14:53, 122 kbytes)
Computing Activity Chain Based Trip Distribution Models
Revised Nov 1996 (also available as HTML Version) (Nov 12 1996, 37 kbytes)

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