Index of emme2/archive/macros/ (sorted by file dates):

This list is sorted according to file dates (newest files first) - click here for a list sorted according to file names.

This directory contains some EMME/2 macros I wrote which may be useful to other EMME/2 users. All macros are provided "as is" and without explicit or implicit warranty of any kind.

Another collection of EMME/2 macros is available on INRO's Web and FTP sites.
caligrav.mac (May 7 2003, 4136 bytes)
Calibration of simple exponential gravity distribution model to reproduce a specified target average trip time Alpha test version! New!

selines.mac (Feb 4 2003, 6032 bytes)
Select lines transit assignment. Performs an layered additional options transit assignment which computes the transit volumes and partial demand matrix of all trips which use at least one of a given set of transit lines.

demadjt18.mac (Dec 13 2001, 17 kbytes)
New version 1.8 of transit demand adjustment procedure demadj.mac. This version supports count data one either segments or links. Depending on the type of attribute containing the counts, the gradient algorithm is either applied directly at the segment level or automatically projected to the link level. For a mathematical description of the mathematical method used, see the corresponding paper.
Note that this version is not fully tested yet, use it -as always!- at your own risk! Your feedback regarding failure or success is appreciated. New version 1.8!

netdif13.mac (Oct 18 1999, 10 kbytes)
New version 1.3 of macro netdiff.mac. This version also allows comparisons of transit line segments and turns. Needs EMME/2 Release 9 or later. Alpha test version!

demadj22.mac (Jul 15 1999, 19 kbytes)
New version 2.2 of auto demand adjustment demadj.mac. This version includes a major rewrite of macro, adding For a mathematical description of the auto demand adjustment procedure implemented in this macro see the corresponding paper.

netreg.mac (Jul 14 1999, 14 kbytes)
Multiple linear regression on arbitrary network data (up to four independent variables). Now updated for Release 9!

matreg.mac (Jul 14 1999, 14 kbytes)
Multiple linear regression on arbitrary matrix data (up to four independent variables). Now updated for Release 9!

sel2lin.mac (Jul 6 1999, 7930 bytes)
Select lines transit assignment for two sets of transit lines. Performs an layered additional options transit assignment which computes the transit volumes and partial demand matrix of all trips which use at least one of each of two given sets of transit lines.

tilewgen.mac (Mar 22 1999, 4056 bytes)
Generate the coordinates of a set of adjacent ("tiled") windows and for each window call a specified macro using the window coordinates as parameters. New!

congtras.mac (Apr 10 1998, 12 kbytes)
Congested transit assignment (see the corresponding paper for a mathematical description of the method)

intersad.mac (Feb 25 1998, 5231 bytes)
Marco which automatically adds to or removes from the intersection table all nodes for which a given network expression yields a non-zero result. Alpha test version! New!

ang2tpf.mac (Feb 20 1998, 4922 bytes)
A macro which sets the turn penalty function index of all turns within a specified range of turning angles to some given tpf value. If required, a subset of turns or intersections can be selected on which the operation is to be performed.

balance.mac (Dec 18 1997, 4574 bytes)
Basic 2-dimensional balancing implemented with module 3.21 (can be used as starting point to implement variants of the balancing procedure) Updated version!

balz3x3.mac (Dec 12 1997, 5410 bytes)
Simultaneous 2-dimensional balancing (aka "Fratar", "Furness", ...) of 3x3 matrices - one for each selected zone.

netdiff.mac (Dec 10 1997, 7989 bytes)
Macro which compares two scenarios and reports differences in network topology, i.e. nodes, links and transit lines which are in one scenario but not in the other. Optionally, the macro can also compare the values of specified numerical attributes.

listscal.mac (Nov 21 1997, 2789 bytes)
List one or several ranges of scalars either on the screen or into a specified file.

nethist.mac (Oct 9 1997, 6946 bytes)
Macro for generating arbitrary network histograms. Supports numerical output on screen or into result file, as well as plotting of the histogram using module 4.13. Alpha test version!

balmprod.mac (Aug 22 1997, 7541 bytes)
2-dimensional balancing for the case of multiple production types (each with its own friction matrix) and a single attraction type

parkride.mac (Jul 25 1997, 8 kbytes)
Logit model for Park+Ride parking choice with explicit capacities at parking lots. This macro computes intermediate demand matrices for the first and the second trip leg. See the corresponding paper for the mathematical details. Alpha test version!

mimoleg.mac (Jul 25 1997, 6996 bytes)
Logit type intermediate destination choice model for mixed mode trips (e.g. Park+Ride or Kiss+Ride) which computes intermediate demand matrices for the first and the second trip leg. No explicit capacities at intermediate destinations. See the corresponding paper for the mathematical details. Alpha test version!

errchk.mac (Jun 2 1997, 1868 bytes)
Wrapper macro to check for errors during execution of the macro given as argument.

s2stimes.mac (Dec 18 1996, 3567 bytes)
Aggregates segments between consecutive stops of transit lines and generates report or punch file with stop-to-stop times and distances

splitime.mac (Oct 14 1996, 3980 bytes)
Split stop-to-stop transit times to segments between stops - New version 1.2!

demadj.mac (Sep 12 1996, 13 kbytes)
Auto demand adjustment procedure based on the gradient method (see the corresponding paper for a mathematical description of the method) (Apr 29 1996, 3362 bytes)
Compute line-to-line transfers at transfer nodes (experimental implantation only! - see the corresponding paper for more details)

mlus92.mac (Mar 3 1996, 7940 bytes)
Implementation of German air pollution model MLuS-92

oppvol.mac (Mar 3 1996, 4921 bytes)
Macro to compute opposing volumes on turns based on turning angles (can easily be modified to include other classification information, if needed)

pltlines.mac (Mar 3 1996, 2881 bytes)
Plot transit line(s) in an optimally adjusted network window

rndabout.mac (Mar 3 1996, 3741 bytes)
Compute opposing volumes for round-about intersection

splitmat.mac (Mar 3 1996, 2949 bytes)
Split demand matrix into two intermediate matrices

stochas.mac (Mar 3 1996, 10 kbytes)
Stochastic auto assignment using random time perturbations

tchain3.mac (Mar 3 1996, 6043 bytes)
Activity chaining demand model for 3 legged trips (see the corresponding paper for the mathematical details)

accumvol.mac (Mar 3 1996, 1352 bytes)
Accumulate boardings and alightings along the stops of a transit line to produce segment volumes

angleijk.mac (Mar 3 1996, 839 bytes)
Network calculator formula to compute turning angle of turn I-J-K (returns angle between -180 and + 180 degrees)

balance3.mac (Mar 3 1996, 7111 bytes)
3-dimensional balancing based on group-to-group totals (no limitation on the number of 3rd dimension constraints)

bellman.mac (Mar 3 1996, 2152 bytes)
Bellman's shortest path algorithm implemented in module 2.41 (can be used to compute node-to-node shortest path trees)

demadjt.mac (Mar 3 1996, 13 kbytes)
Transit demand adjustment procedure based on the gradient method (see the corresponding paper for a mathematical description of the method)

legimped.mac (Mar 3 1996, 3173 bytes)
Extract 1st leg impedance matrix (Upk) or 2nd leg impedance matrix (Ukq) from a given total impedance (Upq) and a intermediate zone matrix (Kpq)

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